5331 Pleasant View Rd. Memphis, TN 38134
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Prong Collars?

Prong collars are a very good training tool and if used properly do not harm the dog. If you have ever walked a hard puller on a leash you know how hard it is to correct.

The amount of force you have to use on their necks will usually send them into a coughing/choking fit. The prong collars allow us to use very minimal pressure to correct the dog. Each dog is introduced to the collars very slowly and gently the entire first day. The collars are much gentler than a slip lead or flat collar.

Very quickly the dogs associate the collars with doing fun things, so we always get a wagging tail when we put them on.

Are prong collars right for every dog? Absolutely not! If we find that the prong collar is to much for your dog, we won’t use it. Not all tools are for all dogs. 

Read More Frequently Asked Questions:

Welcome to Board and Train

Welcome to Board and Train

Board and Train Welcome LetterDownload the Welcome Letter by Clicking the Link: West Tennessee K9 Welcome Letters tone oHello and thank you for choosing West Tennessee K9 for your board and train. Here are just a few things to know about your upcoming training. Board...

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Is There a Guarantee?

Is There a Guarantee?

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat if the training doesn’t work? Is there a guarantee? There are so many variables involved to create a well balanced, calm, obedient dog that it would be unethical for us to offer a 100% training guarantee. However, we do offer unlimited,...

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Who will work with my dog?

Who will work with my dog?

Frequently Asked QuestionsWho will work with my dog?     We have an amazing staff here at West Tennessee K9. https://wtnk9.com/about/ Each staff member has been hand picked, and trained by Terry. No matter the position held, everyone is trained to handle the...

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