5331 Pleasant View Rd. Memphis, TN 38134
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Who is Protecting Who?

Who is Protecting Who?

Who is Protecting Who? FollowFollow Who is the protector in your relationship? Do you protect your dog, or does your dog protect you? I can honestly say that for the longest time I looked to my dogs for a large level of protection. A lot of people that get dogs, do...
Are You Being Judged or Judging?

Are You Being Judged or Judging?

Are You Being Judged or Judging? FollowFollow Are you being judged or are you judging? This is worth the read.. This is a real question. It’s a question we need to ask ourselves. How many times have we looked at the dog going crazy, on the end of a leash, and said,...
How is WTK9 different?

How is WTK9 different?

Frequently Asked Questions I have tried trainers in the past. How are you different? All trainers and training programs are not created equal. Over the years we have tried many different training approaches and training environments. By doing this we have been able to...
Where do I start with my dog?

Where do I start with my dog?

Videos FollowFollow ← Are you Angry? Does your attitude effect your dog. View More Videos: Where do I start with my dog? May 14, 2018 Videos facebook Youtube View More Videos: facebook Youtube Are you Angry? Does your attitude effect your dog. May 14, 2018 Videos...